Maps of Israel

Holy Land Photo Album

Maps of Israel


Genesis Part 2


Exodus Part 2


Appointments with YAHWEH

A Place for YAHWEH's Name


It is only about the size of Massachusetts or New Jersey, but it packs everything from deserts to beach resorts to a snow-capped mountain with a ski area. The main water source is the Sea of Galilee, called the Kinnereth (harp) in Hebrew because of its shape. Can you find it on the map?

The areas labeled Gil'ad and Moab are now in the nation of Jordan.


Match the clues with places on the map:

1. Avraham chased four armies all the way here from S'dom, about 100 miles south of here. (Read about it in Genesis 14) King Yaravam (Jeroboam) set up an alternative worship site, which led the Northern Kingdom into idolatry for which Yahweh dispersed them all over the world.

2. The town where the Messiah grew up.

3. Yaaqov's sons Shim'on and Levi slaughtered all the townspeople after the king's son attacked their sister Dinah. (Genesis 34)

4. The city where heaven and earth meet.

5. The hometown of Boaz (Ruth's husband) and the birthplace of King David, and Messiah Y'shua.

6. Avraham met three messengers here who foretold the miraculous birth of his son. His wife Sarah died here. King David ruled from here for the first seven years of his 40-year reign.

7. Avraham settled here 4,000 years ago and his son Yitzhaq dug a well that can still be seen.

8. Moshe (Moses) saw the whole Promised Land from here before he died.

9. Ruth was from this region.

(Answers at the bottom of the page.)

During the Second Temple Era
(The Messiah's Lifetime)

The Garden of Eden was here. Abraham sacrificed his son Yitzhaq here. Yaaqov dreamed of a ladder to Heaven. King David captured the city and his son Shlomo built the Temple here.

The large rectangular area is the Temple Complex. Just below it is the City of David, which was the first part of the city to be built. Toward the left is King Herod's Palace and the area where the priests lived. The top part of the city was not completed until after the Messiah's death. The place he was executed was then outside the city wall. But He did not remain dead!


1. Dan 2. Natzereth 3. Shechem 4. Jerusalem 5. Beth Lehem 6. Hebron 7. Be'er Sheva 8. Mt. Nebo 9. Moab